
LS001b - Become a PoE Geek and Trusted Advisor

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Pan Christophe HINET, RCDD

As Global Pre & Post Technical Sales Manager, Christophe Hinet RCDD leads the Molex Connected Enterprise Solutions Global Technical support team. He has responsibility for coordinating, engaging, and supporting collaboration within the Global Technical group.
Christophe’s strategic role sits squarely at the intersection of Technical & Sales. He combines engineering skills, operations management, and marketing expertise to support new business development activities, aimed at increasing Molex’s market presence and profitability.
Christophe drives a proactive & dynamic Pre-Sales approach, anticipating market trends to deliver solutions & services that are truly valued by customers and stimulating the challenge process. He has a passion for the design and the creation of effective Pre-Sales electronic tools & templates with a focus on disruptive technologies aimed at gaining trust & confidence, and employing the use of creative destruction as appropriate.
Christophe has 30 years of experience in the Structured Cabling Industry.